Friday, October 14, 2011

Steve Shay on Tax Reform

Earlier this week, Steve Shay published an article in Tax Notes with his observations on fundamental tax reform. See "Jobs, Deficit Reduction, Revenues, and Fundamental Tax Reform," 133 Tax Notes 213 (Oct. 10, 2011).

I always pay attention to articles written by Shay and Edward Kleinbard. Both are seasoned tax professionals with experience in private practice, government and academia. Shay practiced with Ropes & Gray for 20 years before jumping to Treasury in 2009. He served for two years as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Tax Affairs. Kleinbard practiced at Cleary Gottlieb for 30 years before serving as Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee from 2007-2009. After grinding away as tax attorneys for decades, and then bashing their heads against DC gridlock for a couple years, Shay and Kleinbard both sought refuge in the ivory tower. Shay teaches and writes from Harvard Law School; Kleinbard from the USC Law School.

As tax attorneys who represented a wide range of domestic and multinational businesses in private practice, Shay and Kleinbard bring thoughtful voices to the dialogue over U.S. tax reform. Politics aside, we need more contributions to the tax policy debate from experienced practitioners who have a more balanced view of the relationship between the private and public sectors. We get way too much loaded rhetoric from business lobbyists and "career academics" on the political left.

A few highlights from Shay's article:

[1] Shay urges policymakers (presumably aiming towards the political right) not to take revenue increases off the table while considering tax reform options. Shay does not advocate "millionaire surcharges" or the "Buffett Rule," whatever his personal view on those proposals. Shay primarily focuses on tax expenditures, and the opportunity to increase revenues "by eliminating tax expenditures and rationalizing the income tax base, as part of an overall plan to restore a sustainable fiscal policy." He's basically following along a trail blazed by Kleinbard, among others.

[2] In Shay's view, fundamental tax reform "should make the income tax code a fairer and more efficient instrument suitable for the economy of today and the future."
The objective of fundamental tax reform should be a more comprehensive income tax base that is simpler and fairer and does not make losers of domestic manufacturers and winners of video game companies with offshore intangibles.
Funny how that theme keeps surfacing in discussions of fundamental tax reform. I outline the problem of "multinational princes" and "domestic paupers" in this post (discussing a tax reform proposal by Bill Parks).

[3] Shay gently scolds President Obama for his class warfare rhetoric:
[The President] has acknowledged a need for new revenues, but limiting shared sacrifice to those with incomes of $250,000 and above is inconsistent with rationalizing many wasteful tax expenditures that benefit middle-income earners as well as the very wealthy. In exchange for job-creating stimulus, Democrats should be open to sharing sacrifice more broadly, but without sacrificing a fair distribution of overall tax burden.
Shay doesn't define a "fair distribution of the overall tax burden," but he implies that "shared sacrifice" should include tax increases on all Americans. The top 1% of taxpayers currently shoulder 37% of the total income tax burden. If deemed "fair," policymakers could aim to keep that number constant, while increasing overall revenues from the tax system. By definition, such an effort would require an increased "contribution" by the bottom 99% of taxpayers.

[4] Shay bluntly scolds Team Obama for its lack of leadership on tax reform. But let's face it, this administration has other priorities. President Obama focused on socializing health insurance during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Now he's focused on his 2012 re-election despite a widespread economic malaise and 9% unemployment rate. I'd wager my $100 that Team Obama will not lead us to the Promised Land of Fundamental Tax Reform.

1 comment:

  1. The promised land of fundamental tax reform is for each and every taxpayer to consider the opportunity costs of their tax allocation decisions.

    Nearly 75% of Americans support Obama's Jobs bill plan to provide funding for teachers and first responders. Yet, 65% of Americans want to pay less taxes.

    Voters want more public goods and less taxes. Congress is only too happy to oblige and we end up further in debt. If one side tries to block any spending then they are labeled as "haters" of all sorts of public goods that we all value.

    Reminds me of this passage from Frédéric Bastiat's essay...What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen...

    "But, by an inference as false as it is unjust, do you know what the economists are now accused of? When we oppose subsidies, we are charged with opposing the very thing that it was proposed to subsidize and of being the enemies of all kinds of activity, because we want these activities to be voluntary and to seek their proper reward in themselves. Thus, if we ask that the state not intervene, by taxation, in religious matters, we are atheists. If we ask that the state not intervene, by taxation, in education, then we hate enlightenment. If we say that the state should not give, by taxation, an artificial value to land or to some branch of industry, then we are the enemies of property and of labor. If we think that the state should not subsidize artists, we are barbarians who judge the arts useless."

    That entire essay is just awesome. It's easily the best discussion on the concept of opportunity cost.

    Of course, now there's so much hyperpartisan obstructionism that if one side offered a cure for cancer the other side would block it just so the other side wouldn't "win".

    Yeah, the only viable solution is for taxpayers to decide for themselves how they want to divvy up their individual taxes among the various government organizations. This will force them to prioritize which public goods they value most. The aggregate of each taxpayer's opportunity cost decisions will lead to the most efficient allocation of limited public resources.

    It's the only way we'll be able to truly figure out just how much taxpayers value the war on drugs... a secure border... medicare... public education...etc.

    Just like it would be ridiculous if we all had to purchase the same private goods we'll look back and realize just how ridiculousness it was that we all had to purchase the same public goods.

    But I certainly agree that it won't be Obama leading us to this promised land. But it sure would have counted as legitimate "change" in my book.
